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1 1⁄2 oz Japanese Whisky, Yamazaki 12

Stir with ice and strain into a chilled, Laphroaig 10 rinsed large rocks glass or, ideally, brandy snifter.


The salty, peaty smell of the Laphroaig 10 is essential here so make sure you use a large rocks glass or a snifter.

Upon your first sip, you'll immediately notice the pine and ginger, followed by the warm qualities of the Yamazaki with the bitterness of the Punt e Mes resting just beneath.

Depending on your tolerance for liqueurs, you may want to adjust the amount of Domain de Canton.


Kasumiku (香住区) is a small town on the northern shore of Hyogo Prefecture, that's nestled between the Japan sea and the San-in Mountain Range. Due to its location, Kasumiku is subject to hot, humid summers and heavy snowfall during the winter.

The Kasumiku Cocktail is intended to capture the wild nature of earth (Punt e Mes), sea (Laphroaig) and forest (Douglas Fir), with the brightness of the Domaine de Canton and Yamazaki 12 representing the town that's survived regardless.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Mike Alwill of
Is the
author's original creation
Not yet rated
User rating
4 stars
(10 ratings)
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From other users
  • First time making this. I like the smokiness the Laphroaig rinse gives it. Need to play with the proportions of ginger and douglas fir next time. As-is, I like it. With a little tweaking, I could love it.
  • Subbed Aultmore for the Laphroaig. Didn’t really contribute anything aromatic. Would do this again and skip the rinse. — ★★★★
  • Maybe do in rocks glass over large ice cube?
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g28 commented on 11/07/2016:

I substituted scotch for the Yamazaki (didn't have any Japanese Whiskey) and Cocchi Vermouth di Torino for the Punt e Mes - really nice drink. First one I've made with the Douglas Fir. I thought maybe 3/4 was going to be too much of the Douglas Fir and the Domaine de Canton, but it was just right.