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1 1⁄2 oz Old Tom Gin, Hayman's
1⁄2 oz Cynar
1⁄2 oz Aperol

Stir & Strain, Coupe, flamed orange peel

Cocktail summary
Created by
Kaleb Cribb, Farm 255, Georgia
Is an
altered recipe
Not yet rated
User rating
4.5 stars
(19 ratings)
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  • Split the Aperol with Campari to become 1/4 oz of each. Used 1 dash of Angostura and 2 dashes of orange bitters. Pleasantly herbal to start with a savory bitter finish. — ★★★★★
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MOJO1229 commented on 10/31/2016:

A very, very pleasant drink with, as expected, fruity overtones. On this, my first try with "The Minton," I made some small changes. Of course, I don't know if the changes made the drink betterr or worse--or no difference at all. However, the changes resulted in my rating the cocktail at 5. The changes were small: (1) To tone down the anticipated sweetness, I used 1/4 oz Aperol and 1/4 oz Campari. Thus the sweetness of the Aperol was there, but just a tad of bitterness floated to the top due to the Campari. (2) with the three dashes of orange bitters, I used four drops for each dash, not the traditional three drops. Each dash had two drops of Regans' orange bitters and two drops of Angustora orange bitters. I have seen a number of cocktail recipes that combined these two brands into what was called "house bitters." The change in taste is subtle.

I would like to get some feedback on changes I made--for better or worse. I would like to hear what changes others have made and what the results were. Meanwhile, drink up, but drink responsibly.