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2 oz Blended rum, Banks 5 Island
1⁄2 oz Lime juice
1⁄2 oz Honey syrup (1:1)
1⁄4 oz Allspice Dram
3 ds Absinthe bitters
1 lf Mint (as garnish)

Shake, strain, up, garnish.


Summit Sips notes that the house absinthe bitters can be approximated with 32 parts absinthe to 8 parts green Chartreuse, 1 part Angostura bitters, 1 part Peychaud's, and trace amounts of mint bitters.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Brandon Lockman, Red Star Tavern, Portland, OR.
Is an
authentic recipe
Not yet rated
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Shawn C commented on 2/16/2025:

It is actually more complex than that from what I can tell. Beach Bum Berry's recipes are interpretations of "classic" Tiki drinks, so not necessarily fully true to original recipes in all cases. Montego Bay is missing from his Grog Log book. Difford's lists a different cocktail with the same name from 1972 Trader Vic's Bartender's Guide. And of course, there are various other newer cocktails using the same name, but in no way the same (pineapple juice, grenadine, mango, etc.) I am considering changing the name of the posted recipe to "Montego Bay (Brandon Lockman)" and listing it as an "altered recipe" since it is his interpretation and not what has become standard.