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1 2⁄3 oz Gin
1⁄2 oz Simple syrup
1⁄3 oz Triple sec
1 rinse Absinthe
1 twst Orange peel (expressed and discarded)

Shake, strain into absinthe-rinsed glass, twist.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Tony Conigliaro, 69 Colebrooke Row, London.
Is an
authentic recipe
Not yet rated
User rating
4 stars
(9 ratings)
Yields Drink

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MarkB commented on 7/25/2013:

I think this should be stirred, not shaken.

DrunkLab commented on 7/25/2013:

I haven't read Conigliaro's book, so I'm basing the call to shake, not stir this drink on FrogPrincesse's blog. Based on her photos I'd say she definitely shook hers. While The Wink doesn't contain citrus juice or any other opaque ingredients, it is boozy and full of strong herbal flavors, so I imagine the shaking is Conigliaro's way to make the drink colder/more diluted and thus more palatable to a broader audience. Plus the pink blush from shaking looks cool and suits the name.

Zachary Pearson commented on 7/25/2013:

The drink is indeed shaken - I love Google Books preview function, even if it only gives you a paragraph to go by sometimes.



FrogPrincesse commented on 7/26/2013:

Shaken is correct per the book. I did a double take as well as the cocktail does not contain citrus. Shaking gives it a lighter texture which works really well here.

asameshimae commented on 2/09/2019:

Made with reduced tonic syrup, Cointreau blood orange, orange bitters and grapefruit twist. Delicious.