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1 1⁄2 oz Tequila
1⁄2 oz Mezcal
3⁄4 oz Orgeat
3⁄4 oz Lemon juice

Shake, strain, up, lemon peel.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Anthony Schmidt, Noble Experiment, San Diego, CA.
Is an
authentic recipe

Sam Ross' Bartender's Choice app for iOS.

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3.5 stars
(14 ratings)
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  • Used blanco tequila. The sour and smoke never quite fit together for my taste.
  • KF likes
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yarm commented on 7/05/2020:

The recipe in Imbibe has 2 bsp creme de menthe and is attributed to Justin Lane Briggs at Faro in Brooklyn. No clue which recipe is correct or first. 

Zachary Pearson commented on 7/05/2020:

That's.... weird. Perhaps either of them are on Twitter and could be asked about the origin, but if the dates are correct, the Imbibe article is 2015. I have found a couple of webpages (eGullet and some French guy's cocktail website) from 2014 that mention it's an Anthony Schmidt drink. Thanks,  Zachary

noksagt commented on 7/05/2020:

The Noble Experiment variant was listed as a "new menu item" in a 2011 article. Faro opened in 2015.

yarm commented on 7/06/2020:

Found the answer in a 2015 Village Voice article:

A fan of cocktail history, Briggs cites the whiskey-based cameron’s kick from The Savoy Cocktail Book as the origin for the charo, a mezcal riff. Anthony Schmidt of the Noble Experiment in San Diego is the man who added a south-of-the-border spin. When Briggs tried it for the first time, his response was simply, “Oh, holy shit. I love this.” The drink’s appeal has a lot to do with its layers, which include crème de menthe and a floral orgeat that adds a note of freshness. ... “There’s nothing really more refreshing than mint and citrus together. If I ever wonder what to make someone and I have a drink that combines those two, I can make that and they’ll be happy,” Briggs explains.

Zachary Pearson commented on 7/06/2020:

That VV article muddies the waters quite a bit... did the original have creme de menthe in it? Thanks,  Zachary

yarm commented on 7/06/2020:

No, it didn't and was based off of the Cameron's Kick (Irish and Scotch whisk(e)ys, orgeat, lemon). One San Diego magazine described the Noble Experiment's original version as "Charo’s Kick, a spicy blend of Tequila, Mezcal, lemon and Orgeat." It's really just sloppy reporting by Imbibe Magazine as well as the drink adaptor's lack of transparency. I would be aghast if it came out that way in print (all he did was add 2 bsp CdM). Then again, I've seen plenty of modern publications provide a recipe for a Tiki recipe provided by Lost Lake or Smuggler's Cove (without saying that it was a Trader Vic or Don the Beachcomber original that was modified).