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2 oz Light rum, Diplomatico Planas
1⁄2 oz Coconut liqueur, Kalani
1⁄2 oz Crème de Cacao, Marie Brizard (Blanc)
1 ds Strega

Shake all ingredients with ice for 15 seconds, strain into coupe. Garnish with lime twist or lime wheel.


The Diplomatico Planas is a 6 year (filtered), 94 proof light rum, so it's of a significantly higher proof than most others in the category. As an alternative, you could use Bacardi Heritage 1909 (89 proof), use a 80 proof light rum split with a bit of Wray & Nephew White Overproof (though you'll get a bit of that Jamaican hogo), or 2.25 oz of an 80 proof light rum.

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