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1 3⁄4 oz Genever, Bols
3⁄4 oz Dry vermouth
1⁄2 oz Lemon juice

Lemon twist, Shake, Straight Up, Cocktail


Tart, with strong lemon flavor and Maraschino undertones. Not sure if it is worth the expensive Genever.


So this is interesting. The original Holland House is from Kappeler in the turn of the century "Modern American Drinks", but it's a rye whisky drink with orange eau de vie and Peychaud's, made as a Crusta. By the time of the Savoy book in 1930, it had become a gin drink midway between a violette-less Aviation and a Martini.

Cocktail summary
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Zachary Pearson commented on 1/15/2012:

Cleaned up a little - moved Bols from the notes to the brand, removed fresh from the notes on the lemon juice. Added history section - this is a bizarre drink.

gaidig commented on 10/01/2013:

We tried this and enjoyed it. Because my fiance has acid reflux problems with lemon juice, I halved the amount, and based on our opinions compared to the original poster's comments, it seems to have created a more balanced cocktail,