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1 1⁄2 oz Blanco tequila
3⁄4 oz Cynar
3⁄4 oz Sloe gin
1 Maraschino cherry (as garnish)

Stir, strain, straight up, coupe, garnish

Cocktail summary
Posted by Dan on
Created by
Phil Ward, Mayahuel, New York, NY
Is an
authentic recipe
Not yet rated
User rating
3.5 stars
(18 ratings)
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From other users
  • Used Hayman's sloe gin and Jose Cuervo that someone gifted me.Composition seemed fine but I just didn't personally take to the drink, probably because of the tequila I used. The cynar came through on the finish.
  • Cheap sloe gin was redeemed by nice tequila.
  • Complex, with enough bitterness to pull off the lack of acid. Made with reposado, which seemed fine. A sharper, more peppery blanco might be even better. — ★★★★
Similar cocktails
mahastew commented on 3/02/2012:

I feel like it needs a little spice to cut the cough-syrupiness of the sloe gin, like if you cut the amount of Cynar by half and add the same amount of Punt e Mes. Will try that.

Dan commented on 3/02/2012:

What sloe gin are you using? I find the Plymouth pretty far from cough syrup.

mahastew commented on 3/02/2012:

OK, you got me. Not Plymouth. I'll have to give it a try with that, too.

Dan commented on 3/02/2012:

I haven't tried it, but The Bitter Truth also makes a good one -- reportedly a bit more bitter than Plymouth. I'm not familiar with any others that are worth drinking. The Plymouth sloe gin is a challenging flavor -- definitely not like cherry cough syrup.

Zachary Pearson commented on 3/02/2012:

Plymouth and TBT are the good ones, with TBT being more bitter. Like most things, cheap sloe gin is bad sloe gin - they're usually flavored instead of infused, and full of sugar.



christina in tacoma commented on 3/20/2012:

This sounded interesting, but I think it really needs some acid. May give it a try again next time I am stumped by what to do with my sloe gin; I used the Bitter Truth.