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1 oz Rhum Agricole, Neisson blanc
1 oz Mezcal (Espadin)
3⁄4 oz Ginger syrup (Ginger-jalapeño syrup, see note)
3⁄4 oz Pineapple juice (Acidity adjusted to lime juice, see note)
5 dr Salt Solution (4:1)
3 dr Bitters (Crude Pooter bitters)

1. Prepare double rocks glass with half-rim of Tajin
2. Combine all ingredients except in shaker
3. Shake with three ice cubes and strain into Tajin-rimmed double rocks glass over single large ice cube
4. Finish with 3 drops of Pooter bitters directly onto cube
5. Garnish with dehydrated pineapple slice


Ginger-jalapeño syrup:
1 cup water
.5 cup white sugar
.5 cup demerara sugar
1 cup peeled and chopped ginger
1 sliced jalapeño (about 1cm thick), with seeds

Dissolve sugar into water, then add ginger and jalapeño.
Bring to a gentle boil, then reduce heat and simmer.
After 15 mins, remove from heat.
Steep for 1 hour, then strain and bottle.

Acid-adjusted pineapple juice:
Add 5.67g citric acid powder and 3.55g malic acid powder to 6oz of pineapple juice, stir with glass or wood; do not use metal!

Cocktail summary
Created by
The Cabinet Bar
Is the
author's original creation
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