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1 3⁄8 oz Rye, Sazerac
1 Brandied cherry (as garnish)

Build in a mixing glass, add ice, stir until well chilled. Strain into a sour glass or coupe, garnish with a brandied cherry.


Any spicy rye will suit this drink - Rittenhouse Bottled-in-Bond goes well, as does Wild Turkey 101. The Punt e Mes can be substituted for any sweet vermouth, preferably one on the bitter side (e.g. Carpano Antica Fomula). Ardbeg is optimal, but a different smoky Islay single malt (e.g. Laphroaig) will serve.


A variation of the Red Hook, designed to complement the meat-heavy menu served at the restaurant.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Shaun Layton of L'abattoir bar in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Is an
altered recipe
Not yet rated
User rating
4 stars
(12 ratings)
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From other users
  • Sweet vermouth detracts, try again with Punt e Mes
  • Well balanced.
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brimagick commented on 8/15/2020:

The Sazerac is lost with the Ardbeg, even in small amount, overpowering the Rye.  Don't get me wrong, excellent cocktail!  I love Islay Scotch and a smoky drink.   But next go round I'll use a much cheaper Old Overhort for comparison and see if I enjoy the drink just as much.