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2 oz Bourbon
1 oz Amaretto, Disaronno
1⁄2 oz Dry vermouth

Stir, up, strain into chilled glass


A variation on a Paris Manhattan, which was first served to us in Terminal A, J.F.K. airport

Cocktail summary
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Mixed up in Nashville
Is the
author's original creation
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4 stars
(12 ratings)
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From other users
  • I swapped in Lillet Blanc for the white vermouth (which I didn't have), so I might reduce the Amaretto a tad to offset the added sweetness. Also, allowing the cocktail to sit in ice a little bit balances the flavors.
  • A little too sweet. Try 3/4 3/4 next time.
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dramari commented on 3/23/2024:

Too sweet, also a bit one dimensional. Might try it again with half the amaretto replaced with vecchio de capo.