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1 1⁄2 oz Gin
3⁄4 oz Lime juice
1⁄4 oz Simple syrup
1⁄4 bsp Balsamic Vinegar

Add gin, vermouth, lime juice, and simple syrup to a shaker, fill with ice, shake vigorously, strain into a chilled coupe glass.
Very gently pour the barspoon of Balsamic into the center, it will settle to the bottom.
Add a dash of black pepper.
A sliced strawberry on the rim makes for an attractive garmish.


Use Monkey 47 gin.
Use Aged Balsamic Vinegar. I use 3-year Aged. The longer the aged, the better !!


Prepared for me by bartender Kal Moore at The Gresham Bar in Brisbane, Australia. I asked him to build the cocktail around the Aged Balsamic Vinegar.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Kal Moore, Gresham Bar, Brisbane, Australia
Is the
author's original creation
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4 stars
(4 ratings)
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  • Tasty. I used Forager Gin, Antica Formula Vermouth, Modena vinegar, demerara simple.
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