Copy Pear Pink Lady 1 1⁄2 oz Gin 1⁄2 oz Pear eau de vie, Clear Creek 3⁄4 oz Grenadine 3⁄4 oz Lemon juice 1 oz Egg white Instructions Shake, strain, straight up, cocktail glass Cocktail summary Created by Boston Apothecary Year 2009 Is of unknown authenticity Curator Not yet rated User rating 3 stars (1 rating) Yields Drink Scale Gin, Pear eau de vie, Egg white, Grenadine, Lemon juice PT5M PT0M Cocktail Cocktail 1 craft, alcoholic 3 1 From our sponsors Cocktail Book Log in or sign up to start building your Cocktail Book. From other users Relatively unsurprising variation on the Pink Lady but the pear is nice. Similar cocktails Blood Sage — Gin, Lime juice, Simple syrup, Egg white, Blood orange, SageNo Ka Oi — Gin, Passion fruit puree, Lime juice, Honey syrup, Egg white, Thai BasilBitter Cucumber — Gin, Aperol, Rich simple syrup 2:1, Club soda, Lime juice, CucumberJezebel Sling — Gin, Crème Yvette, Herbal liqueur, Lemon juice, Grenadine, ProseccoFive & Dime — Gin, Apricot liqueur, Bitters, Orange bitters, Lemon juice, Orgeat, Cherry, OrangeNimble Penny — Gin, Kummel, Celery bitters, Soda water, Lemon juice, Lime juice, Demerara syrup, Lemon peelStrawberry Fields — Gin, Lavender bitters, Strawberry, Orange juice, Simple syrup, Lemon juice, Mint, BasilPink Ladymeister — Gin, Apple brandy, Jägermeister, Lemon juice, Simple syrup, Egg white, GrenadineSaveur Kiss — Gin, Herbal liqueur, Ginger liqueur, Bing cherry syrup, Egg white, Lemon juice, Smoked Salt, Bing CherrySumo Cucumber Collins — Gin, Club soda, Lemon juice, Simple syrup, Cucumber, Mint Comments Log in or register to post comments