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1 oz Pisco, Cesar Italia
1 oz Aperol
1⁄2 oz Lime juice
1 twst Lime peel (the peel of an entire lime)

Peel an entire lime and coil it around ice in a highball glass--from top to bottom. In a mixing glass add the remaining ingredients and stir to incorporate. Pour into highball and enjoy


The thinner and more uniform your twist the better the appearance of your drink


I was looking to make a summer fizz/cooler à la an Aperol Spritz; I had lime and tonic and thought the flavor of the three with Pisco would be great

Cocktail summary
Picture of Pisco Patio
2011 Kindred Cocktails
Created by
Jason Westplate
Is the
author's original creation
Not yet rated
User rating
4 stars
(14 ratings)
Yields Drink

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From other users
  • Nice alternative to an aperol spritz.
  • ok but lime peel made it way too bitter even though I had very little pith. Have to use a better peeler I guess.
  • Used Pisco Porton (Peru) and expressed a medium length lime peel. A very smooth and satisfying drink, even in December. Rate: 4.5
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Kadia commented on 8/25/2016:

Delicious on a hot summer evening! Didn't have grapefruit bitters; orange bitters worked nicely. Thanks for this recipe!