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2 1⁄2 oz Bourbon, Knob Creek
1⁄4 oz Simple syrup
5 lf Mint (1 for garnish)
3 Grapes (1 for garnish)
1 twst Lemon peel

In a Collins Glass: muddle syrup, mint, and grapes. Add crushed ice and bourbon. Top with soda if needed. STIR, STIR, STIR UNTILL GLASS IS FROSTED! Garnish with a bourbon soaked grape wrapped in a pressed mint leaf. Add a lemon twist.


I don't like cooking my simple syrup. Adding super refined sugar to cold water and letting it dissolve naturally works fine and actually produces a lighter, cleaner final 1:1 product.
*Soak the grape and mint garnishes in bourbon and insist they be eaten when the drink is done.


It's a julep.

Cocktail summary
Picture of Rusted Julep
©2011 Kindred Cocktails
Created by
Alexander, Little Cave, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Is an
altered recipe
Not yet rated
User rating
4.5 stars
(3 ratings)
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Zachary Pearson commented on 12/31/2011:

Curated: Moved Knob Creek from the notes section to the brand section. Changed Whiskey to Bourbon. Changed Berries to Grapes, and removed grapes from the notes.

buffalo old fa… commented on 1/02/2012:

Thanks again Zachary. Just realized how to actually add ingredients to the data base.

Zachary Pearson commented on 1/02/2012:

You're welcome... two quick things. First, when you say cane syrup, do you mean the dark brown stuff from Louisiana (Steen's), the golden colored stuff from French speaking Caribbean islands (Sirop JM), or are you thinking of simple syrup?

As for adding new ingredients to the database, here's the thing. The big pink box you see when you enter a new ingredient into the database is there for a reason. I have a little pink box on my home screen called "Ingredients Without Pages", which currently has 291 entries. All those blue colored links that go to pages with articles about the ingredient in question? I write those, and I've probably written 750 of them. 

Now I understand if there's an ingredient that someone needs for their cocktail, but that doesn't exist in the KC database. That's fine. But when people force new ingredients into the database that are misspelled (Chartreuse is a big one here), or we already take into consideration (Fresh Lemon Juice instead of Lemon Juice), or add flavored syrups to the list instead of calling it SImple Syrup and in the notes section putting "shoe leather and moondust infused - see note" and writing a note at the bottom detailing how to make it, it means a lot of cleanup work for Dan (mainly).

The Style Guidelines are a great resource for people starting out at Kindred Cocktails, and I highly suggest that everyone look them over before entering drinks. Again, this place wouldn't have the depth and breadth of cocktails, knowledge and great people without participation from everyone involved, and I thank you for your contributions. 


buffalo old fa… commented on 1/03/2012:

Thanks for the Style Guidelines link. Helped a ton. I was using sugar cane from the box and making a cold simple syrup… letting it dissolve instead of cooking it down. I'll add it to the notes.