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2 oz Bourbon, Knob Creek
1⁄4 oz Cynar
1⁄4 oz Amaro, Vecchio Amaro del Capo
1 twst Lemon peel (expressed and discarded)

Stir; strain; up; express and discard lemon peel.


Riff on Stink Eye for Fernet-averse drinkers.

Cocktail summary
Picture of Side Eye
Craig Eliason
Created by
Craig Eliason, Saint Paul, Minnesota (USA)
Is the
author's original creation
Not yet rated
User rating
4 stars
(12 ratings)
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Shawn C commented on 9/12/2023:

Approachable, with some interesting interplay of modest amounts of diverse flavors that create a slightly different twist with every sip. I will have to try the Stink Eye for comparison.