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1⁄2 oz Orgeat
1⁄2 oz Kummel (Helbing, but see note)
3⁄4 oz Lime juice

Shake, strain into a DOF. Fill with crushed ice, mint sprig garnish.


If the kummel is too potent (e.g. Combier), it can be halved and the remainder made up of simple.


Named after Marvel comic Silver Surfer vs Thor

Cocktail summary
Created by
Fred Yarm
Is an
authentic recipe
Not yet rated
User rating
5 stars
(3 ratings)
Yields Drink

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From other users
  • Good but too sweet for my taste - increase lime if made again.
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yarm commented on 8/06/2020:

The way that I created this was with kümmel. I also noted that the recipe written that way was best with a lighter style kümmel (a liqueur unlike aquavit which is a spirit) like Helbing. When I made it at work at River Bar in Somerville, MA, with the more potent Combier Kümmel, I needed to cut this to 1/4 oz (you can replace the rest with a 1/4 oz simple if desired or leave it out to be less sweet).

Zachary Pearson commented on 8/06/2020:

Fred - Got it. The OP had adapted your drink and I reverted it to your specs. I even got the kummel right in the note but not in the drink, so it's fixed now. Thanks, Zachary