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Shake with ice and strain into a martini glass.


Substitute Ransom Old Tom Gin if there's not an oaked genever in your market, but don't use any bitters other than the Bitter Truth--it's far more floral and less vegetal than other celery bitters.

Cocktail summary
Created by
The Bitter Truth
Is an
authentic recipe
Not yet rated
User rating
4 stars
(1 rating)
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From other users
  • think there's a typo, 3 drops chartreuse and 1 oz bitters? really??
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queenshaboo commented on 7/30/2020:

Nice drink but subbed St George's aged Dry Rye gin, 3/4 oz chartreuse and 1 dash bitters. Only had Fee Bros, fully agree a more floral bitters would be preferable. 

Zachary Pearson commented on 7/31/2020:

In response to a curation request about the volume of Chartreuse and bitters, I did some looking. The Bitter Truth link is dead, so I removed it. Googling Fletcher Christian cocktail returns two hits - KC and a Wordpress blog whose cache shows a drink called the Oude Fletcher which is similar, but has 1/2 ounce of BT Celery bitters. Without confirmation that the drink as written is wrong, I'm going to leave this alone. Thanks,  Zachary

smparkes commented on 3/02/2024:

With respect to the 3 drops of Elixir Vegetal de la Grande Chartreuse: this is far more concentrated than Chartreuse so a few drops makes sense (subbing 3 drops of Chartreuse wouldn't, though)