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1 oz Whipped cream (see note)
1 pn Allspice (as garnish)

Stir in the glass the first two ingredient with a big rock of ice. Then drop the cream very slow in the glass, to make like a nice white foam on the top of the drink (as a deconstructed White Russian...) Drop a pinch of allspice.


To make the whipped cream: In a bowl, whip some coconut cream, sugar (1 or 2 teaspoon for 1 oz of cream, see notes), and small/thin zests of lime (a hour before making the cocktail).

Pastry-like cocktail.
It's supposed to taste as sweet as an Old-Fashioned.

Cocktail summary
Picture of Jamaican Beer
Created by
Miiaaoww, France
Is the
author's original creation
Not yet rated
User rating
3 stars
(1 rating)
Yields Drink

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