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1 1⁄2 oz Gin (Lapsang Souchong tea infused)
3⁄4 oz Cynar
3⁄4 oz Lemon juice
1⁄2 oz Demerara syrup
1 twst Lemon peel

Shake, up, coupe or sour glass, garnish.


For the infusion: steep a Lapsang Souchong teabag in gin for 5-10 minutes. Squeeze out bag before discarding.


Second in a series of cocktails inspired by the BBC's "Sherlock."

Cocktail summary
Posted by Bevx on
Created by
Christopher Bevins
Is the
author's original creation
Not yet rated
User rating
2.5 stars
(2 ratings)
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Bevx commented on 5/09/2013:

Thanks a lot!... This is one of those rare ones where I felt I nailed it on the first try... Which was fortuitous, since I was down to my last lemon!... Originally, I'd planned on Green Chartreuse as the modifier, but as I was reaching past the Cynar for it, I decided on a last-minute change. Glad I did, as the vegetal Cynar plays off the smoky tea wonderfully.