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Build in a rocks glass half-full of ice. Stir. Twist a lemon peel over the top, rub it around the rim, and drop it in.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Stew Ellington
Is the
author's original creation
Not yet rated
User rating
4 stars
(16 ratings)
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  • 1/13/17: This was just okay. Would try again.
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Zachary Pearson commented on 7/29/2012:


Love the thought of anejo tequila + Cynar playing together. What sweet vermouth do you recommend? Dolin might be nice...

mahastew commented on 7/29/2012:

My sweet vermouth of choice is Cocchi. Dolin could be nice, too! Carpano Antica might add a bit too much bitterness to an already bitter drink.

brockisdrinking commented on 2/05/2014:

Really nice, well-balanced cocktail. Only had Cazadores reposado around, but it played nicely.

MOJO1229 commented on 1/11/2021:

My changes address the questions or issues raised in the above three Comments. I used 1.5 oz El Tesoro anejo tequila, 1 oz Cynar, and 1 oz Dolin sweet vermouth. Also used Bitternens Hopped Grapefruit bitters and Angostura Orange bitters. And the lemon peel, of course. Great drink! Very smooth, but a tad too sweet for my taste. Perhaps 0.75 oz Cynar for less sweetness? Rated 4.5 as I made it. Enjoy!