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Pour over hand hewn ice ball in double old fashioned glass, stir, top with pinch of salt


Floating a hand-carved two-inch sphere of ice garnished with salt, it's an enigmatic wonder that slowly unveils new dimensions a taste at a time.


Updated 1/16/2011. Original recipe had 1 oz vermouth, 1/4 oz lemon juice, and orange bitters
Updated 5/1/2013. 1dash -> 4 dashes

Cocktail summary
Posted by Dan on
Created by
Drink, Boston, MA
Is of
unknown authenticity
Not yet rated
User rating
4 stars
(16 ratings)
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From other users
  • Went over surprisingly well with a mixed crowd. I did prefer it with 1/4 oz lemon; but I also didn't have time to savor one through its evolution, myself. — ★★★★
  • Savory. Initial wine / vermouth gives way to savory Cynar flavors, acidity, and a lovely lingering bitter finish. Low in alcohol. A great drink to linger over. — ★★★★★
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jcountry commented on 4/17/2013:

Fantastic. Surprisingly so. The secondary ingredients are subtle but vital, and the salt adds that extra level of complexity to balance it out. Highly recommend the salted ice garnish.

Bevx commented on 5/01/2013:

Noticed the source link calls for 4 ds of the bitters... Delicious, and damn near cola-like this way. Got impatient and stirred in the salt after a couple sips... 2nd attempt, tried 2 ds each of the WBA and Peychaud's to see if I could amp up the cola-ness, but it didn't work out as well as I'd hoped. Next time I want to try 3 ds WBA, 1 ds Bitter Truth Creole and a (discarded) orange twist... Also, if/when I get an iSi whipper, this will be one of the first drinks I try carbonating.

Dan commented on 5/02/2013:

Thanks. Recipe changed from 1d to 4d Ango.