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2 oz Bourbon, Old Grand Dad 114
1⁄8 oz Averna

Build in a mixing glass, add large ice cubes.
Stir until diluted, strain into a chilled, stemmed glass.
No garnish.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Kyle Davidson, Blackbird, Chicago, IL
Is the
author's original creation
5 stars
User rating
4.5 stars
(35 ratings)
Yields Drink

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From other users
  • Sherry did not add, and perhaps subtracted. Try subbing with mezcal.
  • What a nice drink! Make three extra for friends and measure ½.
  • Excellent. Made with rye by mistake. Need to try again with Bourbon. 1/8 oz is hard to measure, but a teaspoon is close enough, or make two and use 1/4 oz. — ★★★★★
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Pangolindo commented on 1/29/2020:

One of the best cocktail of the website.

Already had a dozen in 6 month and always good as the first time.

Perfect balance.

Upgraded Manhattan.