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1 1⁄4 oz Mezcal, El Peloton de la Muerte
1 1⁄4 oz Blended Scotch, Bank Note
1⁄2 oz Cynar 70 (or regular)
1 twst Grapefruit peel (expressed and discarded)

Stir, strain, down, no ice

Cocktail summary
Posted by Dan on
Created by
Joe Slavinski, Russell House Tavern, Cambridge, MA
Is an
authentic recipe
Not yet rated
User rating
4 stars
(23 ratings)
Yields Drink

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From other users
  • Enjoyable but something of an acquired taste. Not for everyone. Pleasantly easy to make, and one big cube was not out of place. (N.B.: We stirred with crushed ice, not cubed.) — ★★★★
  • Mezcal was slightly overpowering - reduce to 1 oz
  • Smoky & yummy
  • Very smoky; I used mole bitters which was probably a little much.
  • Complex, slightly smokey, subtle chocolate. A wonderful, rich, complex cocktail. Could easily take a big cube. — ★★★★
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HallA commented on 2/18/2022:

This is complex and I think actually quite approachable. Pretty impressively balanced for the players but I suspect regular cynar would suffer. Very nice.

Travis Bickel commented on 10/03/2022:

Used high proof Bourbon instead of blended scotch and added Peychaud's bitters with Mole bitters for chocolate and anise undertones. Poured into rock's glass with one large cube and it worked real well.