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1 oz Gold rum (Any Barbados rum style without hogo is good.)
1 oz Batavia Arrack, Van Oosten (This is the hogo you want, not from the rum.)
1⁄2 oz Lime juice
1 bsp Orgeat

Build over ice in mixing glass, stir for 30 secs, strain into large coupe. Play with garnishes, I used pineapple but you could do differently.


Name is Malay for "fruits of arrack".


Thrown together à la minute 4/23/11.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Rob Marais, Boston MA
Is the
author's original creation
Not yet rated
User rating
4 stars
(3 ratings)
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Zachary Pearson commented on 4/24/2011:

Wow... a whole ounce of Batavia Arrack. That frightens me about as much as a 3 oz glass of Parfait Amour scares Dan ;)

Rob Marais commented on 4/25/2011:

So funny! This kinda Tiki-ish cocktail serves only if you're "one and done". I'd recoil in horror if I'd had more! Thank Lordy that moderation is a virtue.

Zachary Pearson commented on 4/25/2011:


Did I ever tell you that I think Batavia Arrack smells like buttered stripper pole?

Rob Marais commented on 6/18/2011:

Depending on one's taste and mood, buttered stripper pole might be fun! You know Zach, one of these days I'm gonna make a batavia arrack cocktail called "Buttered Stripper Pole" just for you!
Speaking of arrack, I hope to try its Pinoy relative lambanog in the Philippines later this year.

Zachary Pearson commented on 6/18/2011:


Check out the 17th Century cocktail, which I made to get over my fear of Batavia Arrack. I bet that lambanog smells like suntan oil!

Rob Marais commented on 6/18/2011:

Not sure how that lambanog will taste, actually. I've heard that Pinoys flavor lambanog with bubble gum flavoring and such, so I'll have to hunt down the real deal when I get there in November. Last trip there I tried the local rum Tanduay, and the gold stuff is passable in an Old Fashioned variant with calamansi and simple syrup.
I'm thinking of a toddy (or more properly a skin) with batavia arrack...something with arrack, hot water, lemon peel and spiced butter. That will probably be your "Hot Buttered Stripper Pole" =) Stay tuned.