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2 oz Mezcal
1⁄2 oz Crème de Cacao
1⁄4 oz Amaro, Cappelletti Sfumato Rabarbaro

Stir, strain into old fashioned glass with a large cube or sphere. Garnish with an expressed grapefruit swath.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Jose Cardenas, Raines Law Room, NYC
Is an
authentic recipe

Bartender's Choice Vol. 2 App for iOS

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4 stars
(11 ratings)
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Todd Birkel commented on 10/04/2021:

Used a chorizo fat-washed Vida mezcal. Smoky and intense with a bitterness that lingers. Just the way I like a cocktail to be.

drinkingandthinking commented on 2/02/2022:

Wow, that is special! Hard to find many uses for that crazy amaro, but this one uses it perfectly