Copy Rita Hayworth (juice variation) 2 oz Blanco tequila 1 oz Pineapple juice 2 oz Lime juice 1⁄2 oz Honey 1⁄2 oz Agave syrup 1 lf Sage Instructions Muddle the sage with agave nectar. add the rest, shake, strain. Garnish with a new sage leaf. Cocktail summary Is an altered recipe Curator Not yet rated User rating 3 stars (1 rating) Yields Drink Scale Blanco tequila, Lime juice, Pineapple juice, Honey, Agave syrup, Sage PT5M PT0M Cocktail Cocktail 1 craft, alcoholic 3 1 From our sponsors Cocktail Book Log in or sign up to start building your Cocktail Book. Similar cocktails The Secret Is in the Telling — Rum, Falernum, Lime juice, Simple syrupTruly Scrumptious — Pisco, Pear eau de vie, Pineapple Gum Syrup, Lime juice, CinnamonWaltz #2 — Pisco, Apricot eau-de-vie, Lime juice, Elderflower syrupThe Natives Are Restless Tonight — Rhum Agricole, Absinthe, Grapefruit juice, Lime juice, Pineapple Gum SyrupMaple Morning — Dark rum, Orange bitters, Lime juice, Grade A amber color and rich taste maple syrup, Lemon peelBeach Fossils — Light rum, Lemon juice, Vanilla syrup, Honey syrupNew Daq City — Light rum, Peach bitters, Bitters, Lime juice, Pineapple syrup, Passion fruit syrup, LimeTiquirà — Rum, Light rum, Lime juice, Vanilla syrup, LimeZombie Island Punch — Rum, Orange liqueur, Allspice Dram, Bitters, Pomelo juice, Lime juice, Passion fruit syrup, Vanilla syrupDark side — Pimm's No. 1 Cup, Lime juice, Ginger syrup, Cucumber juice, Mint Comments Log in or register to post comments