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1 oz Rhum Agricole (Blanc but a slightly aged one would work)
1⁄2 oz Mezcal
1⁄2 oz Swedish Punsch
1⁄2 oz Bénédictine
1⁄2 oz Campari
1 twst Orange peel (As garnish)

Build in a rocks glass without ice. Stir to mix, garnish with an orange twist, and serve at room temperature. Perfect of flask filling as well.


This was originally created with 3/4 oz Swedish Punsch and 1/4 oz Campari which was tasty but I felt that the Campari needed to come forward more.


Created in honor of Boston bar legend Matt Schrage's birthday. Matt is a fan of both rhum agricole and Scaffas (room temperature drinks with bitters but no dilution), and this one may hit you like the WWII armament I named it after. The previous rhum Scaffa I made for him (also on his birthday) was at the 2013 Women of the Wild West night in the Whiskey-Amaro Night series that he organized -- namely the Madame Mustache.

Cocktail summary
Posted by yarm on
Created by
Frederic Yarm, Boston, MA
Is the
author's original creation
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4.5 stars
(8 ratings)
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lesliec commented on 2/28/2020:

It's good, but I can't get my head/mouth around room temperature cocktails. So I stuck a big rock in the glass and now I'm very happy. Keep in mind it's summer where I am ...

yarm commented on 2/28/2020:

The two best ways of explaining room temperature cocktails is history (these drinks originated before ice or refrigeration was common) and flask drinking (where having something drinkable, convenient, and compact (no wasted volume for water). Besides that, it's an mental exercise in drink balance where you are balancing proof by sugar and not with the help of dilution or chilling. Many of the modern ones that I have had here in Boston originated as cocktails that tasted better before they were stirred/diluted with ice or after they warmed up. Some people do add water (like 3/4 oz to a 3 oz build) and serve it room temperature -- these are no longer Scaffas but room temperature cocktails (Scaffas lack the water element to make them a cocktail by the 1806 definition).

Also, adding an ice cube to fit the drink to your preferred palate or drink mood is a solid move.