Copy South Pacific 1 1⁄2 oz Dark rum 3⁄4 oz Orgeat 1⁄2 oz Lemon juice Cocktail summary Is of unknown authenticity Curator Not yet rated User rating 3 stars (3 ratings) Yields Drink Scale Dark rum, Orgeat, Lemon juice PT5M PT0M Cocktail Cocktail 1 craft, alcoholic 3 3 From our sponsors Cocktail Book Log in or sign up to start building your Cocktail Book. From other users Too sweet for my taste. Maybe bitters to balance out, lemon or lime?Flavours separate, but work together nicely. Similar cocktails Bella Donna — Dark rum, Amaretto, Simple syrup, Lemon, Lime, CinnamonCompanero — Rum, White Crème de Cacao, Lime juice, Simple syrup, BasilMop Top — Barbados Rum, Jamaican rum, Orange liqueur, Bitters, Lime juice, Orgeat, Vanilla syrupEl Condado — Martinique Rum, Nicaraguan Rum, Apricot liqueur, Coconut syrup, Lime juice, Lemon juice, Pineapple juiceDevil's Daiquiri — Puerto Rican Rum, Ancho Reyes chile liqueur, Lime juice, Pineapple juice, Coffee syrupO'Hana — Vodka, Orgeat, Lemon juice, Passion fruit syrup, Orange juiceStrangers in Paradise — Rhum Agricole, Rum, Mezcal, Ginger liqueur, Fernet Vallet, Macadamia orgeat, Lime juiceApricot Fix — Apricot eau-de-vie, Cognac, Crème de Noyaux, Bitters, Lemon juice, OrgeatRye'n Gosling — Rye, Bermuda rum, Aphrodite bitters, Orgeat, Lime juice, LimeDanny Brown — Cognac, Amaretto, Apricot liqueur, Lemon juice Comments Log in or register to post comments