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1 part Campari (shy)
1 part Aromatized wine, Lillet Rouge
1 ds Bourbon (vanilla infused - see note)
1 Cherry, Luxardo (some syrup, and popped)

Shake over ice, strain, add cherry. Heavy old fashioned glass is the vessel of choice.


Can substitute Old Grand-Dad for Wild Turkey 101.

For the vanilla-infused bourbon, use any brand of vanilla extract that has a bean in it (once empty of the original contents) and then refill it with bourbon. . Repeat for the rest of your life. The vanilla bean/seed will last a long time.

Cocktail summary
Created by
J., 'Bar, One, Too', Virginia
Is the
author's original creation
Not yet rated
User rating
4.5 stars
(6 ratings)
Yields Drink

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Dan commented on 6/12/2012:

Thanks for posting. Moderated slightly to fit our style guidelines. By "Mix", do you mean to slightly crush the cherry? What glass do you use? How much is "some syrup"? We we converted the units to ounces (1 part = 1 ounce), it would come out to a nice sized drink, and the awkward 1/10 part would be about 1/2 tsp.

sorensencup commented on 6/12/2012:

take a look, i made some edits based on your suggestions