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1 1⁄2 oz Suze
1 1⁄2 oz Sweet vermouth, Dolin
1 1⁄2 oz Gin, Bombay Sapphire
1 twst Orange peel

Stir over ice, strain into chilled coupe glass. Garnish with orange twist.


The bitter earthy gentian flavor of Suze is showcased well in this cousin of the Negroni.

Cocktail summary
Posted by agave on
Created by
J. Langenhan
Is the
author's original creation
Not yet rated
User rating
4 stars
(20 ratings)
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From other users
  • Can sub Cocchi Torino
  • gentian forward
  • Used Cocchi as suggested — ★★★★
  • Passable Negroni substitute. Lacks depth.
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MOJO1229 commented on 4/06/2017:

Because of  the comment made by one person that the given recipe was only a "passable Negroni," that lacked depth, I decided to see if I could come up with changes that would overcome the flaw(s) as he/she saw them.

 First, I changed gins, from Bombay Saphire to Liberator Gin, made by Valentine Co. in Detroit (an excellent gin, I might add.) Liberator gin is lighter in taste than Bombay Saphire.

Next, I changed the vermouth to Cocchi Vermouth de Torino (which is less sweet and somewhat earthy in flavor--but not too earthy) than the traditional red sweet vermouth.  If that is not available, I recommend Dolin Blanc.It is a white vermouth that is not as sweet as the traditional red vermouth..

Finally, I used Salers (only because I didn't have Suze.)

The amount of gin and Salers was not changed, but I used only 1 oz of vermouth.

The resultant cocktail did not overwhelm Salers, and given my experience tasting Negroni varients, I was quite satisfied with the resultant cocktail, and  would rate it as 4 stars.

I would be interested in hearing from others about the changes I made. 

queenshaboo commented on 9/02/2017:

I'm surprised at the negative comment given that this has 4 stars out of 8 ratings. Subbed Dolin Blanc and expressed oils from a big wedge of (an extremely floral-y) lemon rind. At first it's sweet and then the citrus-y bitterness of the Suze kicks in leaving a lingering vegetal earthy bitter aftertaste. All in all, not the most complex cocktail but definitely not lacking in depth! The gin is somewhat overpowered though so might want to tinker with the proportions a bit. 

dyfrgi commented on 12/15/2018:

Tried this as equal portions with Cocchi Vermouth di Torino, but found it a bit too sweet, so I bumped up the gin to 2 parts. I used some tarragon-infused Suze I had around for it, which was quite nice, though the tarragon flavor got even more powerful in this context than straight so I'll probably use that Suze a bit more gently for what's left. Grapefruit peel garnish, which played well off the tarragon.

2oz Beefeater, 1oz Cocchi Vermouth di Torino, 1oz tarragon-infused Suze. Stir, grapefruit twist.