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1 1⁄2 oz Gin, Aviation
3⁄4 oz Cynar
1 twst Lemon peel

Stir, strain, serve up. Express the lemon peel or omit it for a more "clean" mouthfeel at the cost of some dimensionality.


Great if you're looking for a bitter, herbal, Negroni-style cocktail, but without the cherry syrup notes. Would generally recommend using a less juniper-forward gin; the Cynar is the star of the show here.

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4 stars
(7 ratings)
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From other users
  • Very nice spirit forward drink. Well balanced.
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signofthefourwinds commented on 9/26/2021:

Maybe it is due to using Beefeater, but the ingredients didn't merge for me. Lots of individual flavors of the liquor without a new flavor of the drink as a whole. But I'll try again with non-Juniper forward gin and see if I have the same result.

bkemp1984 commented on 5/05/2024:

Second review that ingredients didn't merge well, but still liked it.