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1 1⁄4 oz Rye
3⁄4 oz Fernet Branca
3⁄4 oz Drambuie
1 cube Ice (Large)

Place a large ice cube in an Old Fashioned glass. Add liquid ingredients and stir until well chilled.


Highly Recommended Option: Luxardo Maraschino Cherry


Per Imbibe article: "This cocktail is simpler than the adventurous concoctions that Justus Drugstore is known for. It started out as an end-of-night staff drink and the employees liked it so well that it made it onto the menu. Justus bartenders use housemade bitters but the Bitter Truth and Fee Brothers options make tasty substitutions."

Cocktail summary
Created by
Derek Coffelt, Justus Drugstore, Smithville, MO
Is an
authentic recipe

2012 Jan/Feb issue of Imbibe - Bitter Old Coot, Page 46

Not yet rated
User rating
4 stars
(15 ratings)
Yields Drink

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From other users
  • Tastes like Fernet Branca
  • prob sub 1 dash angostura, 1 dash orange bitters
  • Drinks w/ this much Fernet Branca tend to mostly take like Fernet Branca.
  • Similar to a sweet Manhattan but with a fairly strong licorice finish. I found it very enjoyable.
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Biff Malibu commented on 4/03/2023:

Next time perhaps with a bit less Branca and some Bauer's Ostler.