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1 1⁄2 oz Gin
3⁄4 oz Dry vermouth
3⁄4 oz Sweet vermouth
1⁄4 oz Orange juice
1 ds Pastis (optional)

Shake, strain, up. *pastis float is optional


The optional pastis, for me, is very dependent on the choice of gin


The Minnehaha (a Lakota Sioux word for "curling water" or "waterfall") is one of those classic cocktails that has 101 different recipes. This is close to the Savoy version, but I went lighter on the orange juice. I'm assuming there will be a lot of interpretations for this cocktail's build.

Cocktail summary
Picture of Minnehaha Cocktail
2011 Kindred Cocktails
Is an
authentic recipe
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3 stars
(4 ratings)
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