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2 oz Blended Scotch, Famous Grouse
1 ds Pepper tincture, Scrappy's Firewater Tincture
1 twst Orange peel (Flamed, as garnish)

In a mixing glass, combine blended scotch, ginger liqueur, and bitters, then fill with ice and stir just until chilled, about 20 seconds.

Strain into a old-fashioned glass with one large cube of ice. Float the Islay scotch.

Flame orange peel over drink and drop in.

If desired, add a couple of drops of aromatic bitters in the middle of the glass. Valar morghulis!


An old fashioned variant. If you've got a spicy ginger syrup handy, sub out for the Canton.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Drew Fields
Is the
author's original creation
Not yet rated
User rating
2 stars
(1 rating)
Yields Drink

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Zachary Pearson commented on 6/11/2014:

Curated this slightly: removed "fresh" from peels, we assume that. Changed the Orange Bitters to Gin Barrel Aged, instead of Gin Aged.

