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2 oz Bourbon
1⁄4 oz Ancho Reyes chile liqueur
1⁄4 oz Crème de Cacao
2 ds Cherry Bark Vanilla Bitters, Bittercube

Stir in mixing glass with ice, strain and serve onto a cocktail ice cube.

Cocktail summary
Is of
unknown authenticity

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4 stars
(16 ratings)
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From other users
  • Ancho Reyes up to 0.5 oz works.
  • Well balanced, plenty of nuance. Always cool when creme de cacao doesn't overpower the drink.
Similar cocktails
Travis Bickel commented on 4/30/2021:

Felt it was a bit too sweet. I used Wild Turkey 101 and liked the banana chocolate taste and boozy aspect of the cocktail. Will up the heat next time and cut the cacao next time, thanks. 

jhollist99 commented on 12/06/2022:

Well balanced and approachable. Excellent cold weather beverage.
Recommended Changes
3oz - Bourbon Widow Jane 10 Year
1/2 oz - Sweet Vermouth (same)
1/2 oz - Ancho Reyes - adds a nice spice factor
1/4 oz - Creme de Cacao (same)
3 ds of Cherry Bark Vanilla bitters ... just my preference to balance with the increase Ancho Reyes