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A Spontaneous Libation for your Consideration

Red Smoke

Posted by eburns02. Created by Public House, Ferndale, MI.

Stir and serve in a double old fashioned over rocks with an orange peel.


If you cant get you're hands on Bonal I use dubbonet or even Byyrh.


Found something like this in a little joint called Public House in Ferndale Michigan but the specs may be off.

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From the Knowledge Vault

Recent Additions

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Recent Discussion

  • Re Alaska Cocktail, 20 hours 2 minutes ago danoman89 commented:

    Made with a 3:1 gin:chartreuse ratio, a few drops of reagan's orange bitters, and a lemon peel expressed on top. Strong, but just as delicious of a strong martini variant as you could want/hope for

  • Re Rabo de Galo, 1 day ago Shawn C commented:

    The origin of this cocktail was from Cinzano in the 1950's producing vermouth in Brazil and trying to promote it. Hence it used Cinzano Rosso as the vermouth, not Carpano Antica, Dolin, or Punt e Mes...and not even Cynar at first. Educated Barfly claims that Cinzano produced small glasses with markings for the pour and that it was simply 2:1 aged Cachaca and the vermouth, but I haven't seen any written confirmation of that. If there are glasses out there someone should be able to locate them since they likely would be in some collector's hands, but my first attempts came up empty.

    The difficulty here is that there is no authentic recipe for the updated cocktail that I am aware of. There was likely some first time that Cynar was published as a key component (and caught on), but it would take someone familiar with Brazilian portuguese sources and cocktail history to figure that out. Instead we have a regional drink that varies, with an array of choices with different ratios or types of Cachaca/sweet vermouth, with Cynar and with or without Angostura or orange bitters. Plenty of room to find a combo that works.

  • Upped the lemon juice a smidge. Might have brown liqueur but still tastes like a summer drink.

  • Re Rabo de Galo, 1 day ago Biff Malibu commented:

    Shift to Punt e Mes

  • Re dRYe Martini, 1 day ago drinkingandthinking commented:

    I prefer this to the much boozier Astoria Bianco ( ) . This features the vermouth and the bitters are a nice touch of spice.