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1 1⁄2 oz Gin, Bombay Sapphire (rosemary-infused (note 1))
1⁄2 oz Averna (rosemary-infused (note 2))
1⁄8 oz Sherry vinegar (Columela Sherry Vinegar Solera 30 (note 3))
3 ds Aztec Chocolate bitters

Add all ingredients into a shaker with plenty of ice, shake well, strain into a frozen coupe glass.


1. Get some fresh rosemary, place in a jar, add lots of gin, cover and let sit and "simmer" for a day or two. 2. Get some fresh rosemary, place in a jar, add lots of Averna, cover and let sit and "simmer" for a day or two. 3. The sherry vinegar. I found this particular "high performance" version a few years ago and it really makes a difference. You don't want "vinegar." Rather, you want a very flavorful Sherry Vinegar.


Christmas is in 2 days, I wanted something that makes no sense ...... i.e., expressive of 2020.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Carl N.
Is the
author's original creation
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