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1 1⁄4 oz Bourbon, Old Grand Dad 114
1 ds Aphrodite bitters, Dr Adam Elmegirab’s Aphrodite Bitters

Stir, strain, serve on a rock.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Colin O'Neill, Franklin Mortgage and Investment Company, Philadelphia, PA.
Is an
authentic recipe

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  • Next time use a less assertive coffee liqueur than Galliano. Rye spice and dark fruit from the Cognac/PX. Milk chocolate gestalt. Good, but less interesting than the ingredients imply. Try again with a better fit for the coff
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Peppermary commented on 7/21/2020:

I enjoyed this as an after dinner sipper. Some dilution from the ice is good.  

applejack commented on 1/01/2021:

I agree with a previous commenter, I found this a bit less interesting than the ingredients might suggest (and these ingredients are right in my wheelhouse).  In fairness I used Bittermens mole bitters instead of the Aphrodite, but they're reasonably close.  And while no brand was specified for the coffee liqueur, I used St. George's NOLA coffee liqueur.

I also found it to have a vague milk chocolate note but to otherwise be a pretty standard split base old fashioned, and I wasn't really able to pull apart the individual flavor strings of the various modifiers like I had hoped.  It was certainly pleasant, balanced and eminently drinkable, if not particularly memorable.