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3⁄4 oz Dry sherry
3⁄4 oz Ramazzotti
1 twst Lemon peel (as garnish)

Stir, strain, straight up, cocktail, garnish


Good bourbon flavor; mildly bitter and spicy. Nice slow-drinking cocktail.

Cocktail summary
Posted by Dan on
Created by
Ben Dougherty, Zig Zag Café, Seattle, WA
Is an
authentic recipe
Not yet rated
User rating
4 stars
(22 ratings)
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From other users
  • Excellent use of dry sherry. I used fino, which doesn't always play well with other ingredients. Can be a bit briny. But here it works really nicely with both the sweetness in the bourbon and the bitterness in the Ramazzotti. 4.5 if I could.
  • I agree with other user - very clean, citrusy, almost metallic despite having bourbon. Don't skimp on the essential lemon oils! Delightful!
  • Hard to describe taste: I want to say "clean," almost like the water I'd drink from the garden hose as a kid. Metal, citrusy, and bitter on the edges, but easy drinking. — ★★★★
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Dan commented on 8/05/2013:

Added attribution and slightly reformatted to our style guidelines. Thank you alphanumeric. I need to revisit this Manhattan-esque again!

AmyJ commented on 6/11/2014:

Enjoyed a super tasty variation with Averna instead of Ramazotti and 1/4oz Orancio vermouth instead of triple sec (alt ways to get hint of orange and balance sweetness). Really nice

theglees commented on 8/22/2014:

Made this tonight with Amaro Montenegro and it was delightful.

ccmonsterman commented on 5/15/2017:

I made your chocolate cake with strawberry instead of chocolate. Scrumptious!