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1 oz Gin (see notes for recipe)
1⁄2 oz Absinthe, Lucid
1⁄4 oz Crème de Menthe, Tempus Fugit

Combine all ingredients in a tin. Dry shake, add ice, hard shake, single strain into large stemware glass. Dust with CooCoo Nut Garnish.


** CooCooNut Gin Blend **
-> Combine in closeable mason jar
* 5 oz Royal Dock Navy Strength gin
* 5 grams fresh grated ginger
* 3 grams fresh lemon zest
-> Cook with Sous Vide at 175 degrees for 1 hour
- > Once cooled add
* 1¼ oz St George Botanivore gin
* 2½ oz fresh young coconut water
* 1/3 dropper of Ms. Better Bitters Miraculous Foamer
- - - ---------------------------------- - - -
**CooCooNut Dust**

Toast fresh grated coconut at 325 degrees for approximately 10 minutes until lightly browned. Combine with cinnamon and muddle to dust.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Austin Doner, The Corner Door in Los Angeles
Is an
authentic recipe
Not yet rated
User rating
5 stars
(1 rating)
Yields Drink

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Zachary Pearson commented on 4/18/2020:

I had to clean this up a bit, mainly to remove PR cut and pasted from the link. This seems like it's beyond the reach of most home enthusiasts.  Thanks,  Zachary