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1 oz Bourbon (Maker's 46)
3⁄4 oz Cynar
3⁄4 oz Suze
3 dr Orange cream citrate, Bittermens

Stir, strain, coupe.


Suze and cynar mellow into something you know there's suze because of gentian bitterness mark and the same for cynar but because of the aroma/ taste...

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3.5 stars
(11 ratings)
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  • Made with cask strength makers.
  • Unassuming, starts sweet, ends bitter. Nice, — ★★★★
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lesliec commented on 6/21/2020:

Didn't quite come together for me until wifey suggested a maraschino cherry. Adds just a touch more depth. And should that be dashes for the Ango/cream citrate, not drops?

Pangolindo commented on 6/22/2020:

Hi Lesliec, yes it's drops. I just wanted a bit more spices  without interfering too much with the flavor profile.

I do not like too much Angostura (1 or 2 dashes) when it's not the purpose of really tasting it.

For instance, one year ago i found i prefered an old fashionshed with 1 drop each ango, orange and peychaud bitters.

Maraschino cherry addition seems a very good idea. I love them!