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1 oz Campari
4 dr Salt (in a saline solution)
1 twst Lemon peel (as garnish)

Stir; strain into DOF with one big rock


Saline solution is 30g kosher salt dissolved in 4 oz. water.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Eric Giger, Neighborhood , San Diego, CA, USA
Is of
unknown authenticity
Not yet rated
User rating
4 stars
(18 ratings)
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From other users
  • Wow! So simple, but one of the better negroni variations I've had in a long time. Next time I make, I feel like I might back off on the campaign just slightly.
  • Interesting. Spicy and sweet coming in, dry and bitter going down. Saline could probably be increased, maybe even doubled.
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bkemp1984 commented on 8/16/2022:

Really great, though with my combo of Espolon, Gran Classico, and Cocchi Americano, the tequila got kind of lost and I ended up adding about a half oz more.