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1 oz Cognac VSOP (Hennessy V.S.O.P)
1 oz Simple syrup (peach, see note)
3⁄4 oz Lemon juice
1⁄2 oz Egg white (or Aqua Faba)
1 sli Lemon peel (as garnish)
2 spg Mint (as garnish)

Spirit, Lemon juice, egg whites, simple syrup, bitters, into your tin. Dry shake (or reverse shake - however you like). Shake with ice. Add seltzer to tin. Strain into glass with ice - I use a larger rocks glass.. Express lemon and drop into drink. Mint as a garnish is nice as well.


Peach Simple Syrup is deadly delicious. I did a 1:1 simple syrup with a single peach sliced up and into the pot. Let it sit for a good 30 minutes.

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