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1 1⁄2 oz Rye (Rittenhouse preferred)
3⁄4 oz Aquavit
1⁄2 oz Suze
1⁄4 oz Demerara syrup
1 twst Orange peel (As garnish)

Stir with ice, strain into a rocks glass with ice, and garnish with an orange twist.


Original was 1 1/4 oz rye and no syrup, but I began making it as posted above for guests at Drink in Boston.


I was inspired by the combination in Amor y Amargo's Cubist (aquavit, Suze, dry vermouth, olive bitters) to extract the aquavit-Suze duo. To the aquavit, I recalled how well it paired with rye whiskey in several recipes. I considered adding an aromatized wine to the mix, but I opted to keep this in the style of an Old Fashioned for simplicity's sake. As for a name, I recalled the painting Nude Descending a Staircase as being sort of Cubist. Indeed, Marcel Duchamp's 1912 work was first labeled as Cubist before being rejected by the art movement as being too Futuristic.

Cocktail summary
Posted by yarm on
Created by
Frederic Yarm, Somerville, MA
Is the
author's original creation
Not yet rated
User rating
4 stars
(5 ratings)
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From other users
  • Although I'm normally a big fan of the Xocolatl Mole bitters, not sure if they play well here. Might try Boker's next time. Aside from that, very nice!
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