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2 oz Gin (London Dry)
1 oz Aperol
1⁄2 oz Lemon juice
1⁄2 oz Orgeat
1 ds Cherry Bitters, Fee Brothers Cherry
1 twst Lemon peel

Shake & strain into chilled cocktail glass. Express twist, rim glass, and drop in.


Each ingredient plays its part, from nose to sip to swallow to finish. Layer after layer, with a sum greater than its parts.

Avoid Monin Orgeat on this one; it imparts an odd "chocolatey" flavor.


Formerly posted here as "The [Redacted] Cocktail." Among friends, this drink has a "bawdier" name (as seen at the Reference link), but I've finally settled on a name which better suits its flavor profile.

Cocktail summary
Picture of Petticoat Junction
2012 Another Cocktail Blog
Posted by Bevx on
Created by
Christopher Bevins
Is the
author's original creation
Not yet rated
User rating
3.5 stars
(13 ratings)
Yields Drink

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From other users
  • I'm not sure about this one. It's ok. I didn't use fresh lemon juice, so would like to try with that, may brighten it up. Seems like rum might pair better than gin.
  • Four 5-star ratings!
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Bevx commented on 3/29/2013:

Self-curated... Changed cocktail name and updated Notes & History sections to reflect change.

MOJO1229 commented on 12/10/2016:

Petticoat Junction: I saw five rating with an average of 4.5. I tried the cocktail, and it liked it--more than I thought I would. But the most I could squeeze out of it for a rating was 3.5. I wish people who rate a drink at 4.0 and above would make a comment that reveals what brought their liking for the cocktail to that level. When I rate a drink at 3.5 and many others are rating the same drink at 4.5, I begin to wonder: (1) am I too stringent in how I rate a given cocktail, or (2) Am I overlooking a characteristic and/or flavor ot the cocktail.

Sometimes, before I even make a given cocktail--thanks to one or two comments--I will make a change or two in the cocktail's recipe. Also, I'm trying to learn more about mixology, and often I find comments helpful in that regard. So, please, if you REALLY like a cocktail, let me and others know what lead you to rate a particular cocktail at 4.0 or higher. Thanks