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1⁄4 oz Curaçao, Pierre Ferrand Dry Curaçao
1⁄4 oz Bourbon
1⁄4 oz Lime juice (fat)
1⁄4 oz Lemon juice (Fat)
1⁄4 oz Ginger syrup (spicy)
1⁄4 oz Cinnamon syrup

Batch as much as you can to preserve sanity, and build over ice in a Collins, garnishing lavishly with strawberries and seasonal fruit.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Rafa García Febles, NYC.
Is the
author's original creation
2 stars
User rating
4 stars
(5 ratings)
Yields Drink

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Archmonk commented on 9/03/2017:

I didn't have clear Curacao so I used my blue Curacao and the color is awesome. The liquid glows a greenish color that looks like a drink out of an H.P. Lovecraft book. Love the taste too. I'd genuinely suggest subbing the peychaud's bitters for absinthe (personal preference).

Dan commented on 9/05/2017:

A complex if worthy variation on what is often a crappy soda pop-forward cocktail. I used Becherovka for cinnamon and King's for ginger, plus used tonic. It was good enough to make again for guests.

Dannynannady commented on 1/12/2019:

Have always wanted to make a whacky drink like this with a load of ingredients, even went through the trouble of making my own syrups... and I was NOT disappointed!

I'm just a bit unsure as to what "(fat)" refers to?? I just used the amounts of lemon/lime juice stated.


Zachary Pearson commented on 1/13/2019:

"fat" here means a little more than, so be a little generous when you hit the 1/4 ounce mark. Thanks,  Zachary

Dannynannady commented on 4/11/2020:

I know this reply is a bit late but thanks for the clarification! :)