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1 oz Rye, Rittenhouse (Can sub Bourbon)
1 oz Averna
1 bsp Campari
1 twst Lemon peel (Expressed over and dropped in cocktail)

Stir all ingredients except for lemon peel. Serve over one large ice cube.


PS3 is a play on my name and the 3 equal proportions.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Peter S. St. Louis, MO
Is the
author's original creation
Not yet rated
User rating
4 stars
(19 ratings)
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From other users
  • Used 1.25 oz Rittenhouse, will use 1.5 oz next time. Otherwise, a flavorful, somewhat sweet cocktail. Perhaps reduce the Averna?
  • Might use 1 ds of bitters
Similar cocktails
Zachary Pearson commented on 6/03/2016:

Can you estimate a splash of Campari so it's reproduceable by other users? Thanks,  Zachary

lesliec commented on 11/23/2016:

Delicious with Tin Cup Colorado whiskey. I used a barspoon of Campari.

IamNotStiller commented on 12/30/2022:

i didn't have Xocolatl Mole bitters available, subbed in 1/2 angostura and 1/2 black walnut and it was great.