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2 oz Gin, Beefeater
1⁄2 oz Campari
1⁄2 oz Lime juice
1 wdg Lime

Stir well with ice cubes in a chilled shaker, then pour unstrained into a Collins glass, splash with cold club soda. Garnish with lime.


Improves with increased gin, bourbon, & bitters as the album plays on.


Inspired by the 1985 record when a fellow cardplayer asked for a Sling while in a dry town on the Jersey shore without cherry, brandy, Benedictine or Cointreau..

Cocktail summary
Posted by jkim07 on
Created by
Is the
author's original creation

Tom Waits 1985

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User rating
3 stars
(4 ratings)
Yields Drink

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Zachary Pearson commented on 5/30/2014:

Curated this: Removed fresh squeezed from the juices. We trust that you're going to use them, really.



jkim07 commented on 8/14/2014:

Refernce to another drink of the same name notes- “The Bourbon anchors the cocktail, the Amaro Diesus adds aroma and Angostura bitters gives it complexity.” But can't locate the recipe or Marie Celeste’s Carlos Madriz.