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1⁄2 oz Demerara syrup (Infused with Sarsaparilla bark)

Syrup: Make sure not to leave the bark in too long or it will begin to take on a woodsy note.


Old Fashioned variation

Cocktail summary
Picture of Sioux City Slugger
©2011 Kindred Cocktails
Created by
Alexander, Harvard & Stone, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Is an
altered recipe
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5 stars
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Zachary Pearson commented on 12/31/2011:

Curated slightly - moved Peychaud's from the notes section into the ingredient section. Also, how much Sarsaparilla bark is needed to infuse into the syrup?

buffalo old fa… commented on 1/02/2012:

Peychaud's wasn't showing up in the ingredient section.
The bark is hard to judge. I used 1 ounce (weight) of bark per 2 cups of water and 1-1.5 cups of sugar. The bark itself is really sweat in general but not all bark is the same.